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Positive Thoughts

  • Wed, 19th Apr 2017
    Has it ever occurred to you that most people see you as they see themselves, that the things they say about you are the things they themselves are?  That’s why some smart people came up with the theory that if you want to catch a thief, send another thief to catch him. Think about that for a minute. What people think about should be none of your business. Even if you find out what their opinion... [Read More]
  • Thu, 13th Apr 2017
    Invest a few moments in thinking. It will pay good interest. ~Author Unknown Unfortunately not many people want to take time to think. They want other people to do the thinking for them. No wonder Thomas A. Edison said, “Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think;  and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.” There is no challenge in this... [Read More]